Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Wrong on torture??


I can hardly believe that I live in a country where this is actually a matter for political debate. That wasn't the case just a few short years ago. A few years ago there was no credible controversy; every reasonable person agreed: "Torture is wrong"; "Things that look like torture are wrong"; "Torture should be defined broadly such that, where there is ANY doubt, we will cleave to the high ground and avoid the practice in question entirely"… Remember that?

Remember knowing that we weren't like Spanish Inquisitors, or the Khmer Rouge, or the KGB, or Nazi Death Camp doctors because we didn’t do hurtful things to helpless people?

Now we have Presidential candidates endorsing waterboarding and an Attorney General who was subject to a torture litmus test in which he was unable to denounce waterboarding as torture. Waterboarding of all F*ck!n things is almost as stereotypical of torture as the rack and the thumbscrews.

As an aside, those clowns that call waterboarding "simulated drowning" are crass apologists. It's simulated drowning the same way that skydiving is simulated falling; it's the real deal only with the ability to stop almost at will. This isn't some virtual 3-D hologram thingy; it's real water entering real sinuses and real trachea and real lungs causing real pain…

If you don't know that waterboarding is crossing the line into torture, I submit that you are either so naïve or so morally bankrupt, or both, that you have absolutely no business leaving your house unguarded much less being the highest law enforcement officer in the United States.

I'm waiting for the inevitable backlash when an American soldier is subject to such methods and the same people and government supporting such things now, realize that they're left with only hypocritical arguments and unbelievable denouncements about how they think that such methods are wrong…

Where's your moral high ground now?


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